
Male, Heterosexual
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Nova Gorica Slovenia
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escouple 4 years ago
Thanks for the invitation!

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luposolitario1661 5 years ago
thanks for add
zvonka3 5 years ago
jaz tudi :smile:
harddickNG Host 7 years ago
Penilne (biserne) papule so majhne, belo-rumene bulice na robu penisove glavice, ki izgledajo kot drobni mozoljčki. Strokovno se stanje imenuje papilomatoza korone glandis, imel pa naj bi jo eden od treh moških. Papule so povsem nenevarne in se smatrajo za normalno variacijo videza kože. Mehanizem razvoja ni poznan, znano pa je, da se ne prenašajo s spolnimi odnosi in da so bolj pogoste pri neobrezanih moških.

Poglej moje slike, tudi jaz imam papule. Več na PM.

Pearly penile papules (PPP) are small, benign (non-cancerous) growths. PPP can be pink, white, yellow, or (rarely) translucent in color. They’re normally very small, ranging from 1-2mm wide by 1-4mm long. The shape, color, and size can vary between individuals, but all the papules that one person has will look the same. The papules are usually found in a single or double row on or around the head of the penis.

I also have PPP. More on PM.