
Female, Bisexual
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Szilvia Kovac
Female Bisexual
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jimonheat 2 years ago
Hello. I find it an exquisite pleasure getting women's cunts wet for hot wet women. Men do want women to be kept in a constant state of lesbian sexual arousal for each other. You should all be wet for each other as you walk down the street. Picturing each other naked as you brazenly look each other up and down with your hot erect tingling clits rubbing against your pretty panties, your rock hard nipples rubbing against your silky bra material as you walk. Sexy lesbian wet patches in your panties that you hope other girls can smell, while you hope to catch a sniff of their lesbian fuck hungry cunts in the air too.

Go wild for each others hot vaginas in 2023.
Lick, frig, fuck and fondle each others carnal dripping inner cunt ribbing.

Merry christmas x 
jimonheat 2 years ago
Hello. I think the ideal for men is for society to continue much as it is on the surface, with everyone appearing to go about their business, but just below that surface veneer its like a carnal lesbian fuck pit of women endlessly flirting with each other in public, complimenting each others bodies and scent and licking your lips in anticipation at each other as you hunger for each other's hot tasty juices in your mouths and lezzie bellies. Exchanging numbers, building up numbers in little lesbian black fuck books you carry in your pretty purses. Having mobile phones fucked full of dirty women's numbers, with your favourite hot cunts on speed dial, and dozens more to call on for your wild daily lesbian fuckings if your favourites aren't available.
jimonheat 2 years ago
You have no idea how much men want women in their dirty 30's and filthy 40's to strip and lesbian orgy grind the hot tight vaginas off of naked little lissom teenage tarts.
jimonheat 2 years ago
Hello. You really should be indulging your hot bare body, erect nipples, tit flesh, clitoris, cunt flaps, ribbed inner fuck hole and tight puckered bumhole in the glorious pleasures of wildly promiscuous lesbian fucking. Involve your dirty mouth and darting licking tongue in all that hot juicy female flesh too, involve your dirty naked hands and feminine fingers. Feast and grope. Fuck and grind. Munch and moan on red hot female flesh and sizzling cunny cum juices until your belly is full of it and your body is covered in it, and your hair is matted in it. Fuck all night until you smell of each other's well fucked, fucked open cunt holes.
jimonheat 2 years ago
So many women I've known, encouraged and chatted to over the years have almost always said that once they finally had a proper taste and feel of female flesh and cunt cum juice they was no going back. The sex is so much better, they nearly always say. The sooner all women are wildly feasting on each other's delicious female bodies and cunts the better.
jimonheat 2 years ago

Within the male need for women to indulge your fuck flesh in the pleasures of promiscuous lesbian sex, is the requirement that all women fuck at lesbian orgies.

There are many reasons why most men desire their wives and partners hot bare flesh be immersed in the frisky lesbian orgy orgasms, and sizzling wet cums, of freely entwining all female flesh.

But 9 is the magic number of women to attend the most truly carnally corrupted of lesbian orgies. This is because the number of women the average man fucks in their lifetime is 7.

So, each woman must fuck 8 fucking women. That's how much hot fucking vagina men want women to give to each other. That's how much hot fucking vagina you have the power to give.

Give each other that much hot fucking vagina.

Have conversations with women about how men on sex sites have told you they need you to fuck more women at wildly debauched cunt grinding lesbian orgies, than most men fuck women in a lifetime.

Start sultry lesbian conversations with women that hope to lead to that much lesbian fucking.

Do it. That's how much of it men need you to do of it, for real.

Jim x
jovanpavlovic 2 years ago
Mmmmso sexy
jimonheat 3 years ago
Úgy gondolom, hogy a női szexuális energia jól illeszkedik a nőkhöz. Valójában azt gondolom, hogy a női nemi vágy sokkal erősebb, mint a férfiaké, és ez az energia csak tovább tart. A férfi ego gyakran nehezen fogadja el ezt az igazságot, még sokan, akik szeretik a leszbikusságot, de nem értik azt. A nők is sokszor képesek orgazmusra. Annyira logikus, hogy mindannyian meztelenül ülnek együtt forró szobákban, és órákat töltenek azzal, hogy felfedezzék egymás szabadon orgazmusban sercegő húsát, elérjék az igazán kibaszott dögös, durva leszbikus szex időszakos csúcsait, majd ezt követi a lustán nyalogatva és gyengéden csókolózva. kibaszott hüvely. 
jimonheat 3 years ago
Élvezned kell a vad leszbikus örömöket, amikor lenézel a forró csupasz testedre, és látod, hogy meztelenül szoptat a lányok, amint mindegyik cicikről leterülnek, a másik pedig éhesen szopja a csiklódat, a remegő ajkakat és a pinát, miközben szép szopós szemük visszanéz rád. Másik az lenne, ha forró, nedves szájával hátulról megnyalná az érzékeny bugyutat. A meztelen térded remegne és csattanna, miközben a nyelved izgalomban csapkodna a huncut kurva szar bitóidon. Nedvesen és remegve esne össze a szőnyegen, amikor egy másik lány ül a vadul nyögdécselő szádon, és belenéz a csinos, cuki szemeidbe, miközben ő az arcodra ül, a többi lány pedig továbbra is éhesen szoptat, kibasz és nyalogat. egy orgazmusos leszbikus crescendohoz. 
jimonheat 3 years ago
I would manhandle your hot bare bodies into one lesbian fuck position after another, for hour after hot sticky screaming hour of naked lesbian fuckery. You would fuck each others bitch tits, steamy cunts, quivering clits and inviting arses sore, to homosexual satisfaction.