
Male, Heterosexual
Signed up:
1139 days on xHamster
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Last seen  1 year ago
Profile Viewed:
299 times
I am:
BJ, 39 years old
Choctaw Oklahoma United States
User rank
Porn Expert
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Btljuce86 Host 3 years ago
My queen should never have been put on display as such I am not easily going to have my wrath quinch you stop your bull crap and bow down to my will as your husband my own right that no one ever had in the first place bitch yes you are and have forever earned me using that word when and however I want bitch! Because you are unable to ever be clean discraful woman you use to be a God now get your but back to me my wife! Distroy Floyd completey I do not care to ever codle him that POS filth disrespect my wife and did this crap to the most beautiful woman ever!
Btljuce86 Host 3 years ago
Why would I ever want my dick in some other and you have had the ordasity to say as much disrespect towards me humble yourself my bitch you are filthy!
Btljuce86 Host 3 years ago
Kylie you are a butthead you choose poorly with regards to Floyd I am your God! And I am faithful to you! Remove that blastema from your back I do not care you got that sinful tattoo while you have been living a sinful life I'm not even talking about porn in this instance I'm talking about you and the fact that you abànded me your husband!
Btljuce86 Host 3 years ago
The ranking system is odd on here I just noticed the words porn expert um idk if I'm very good at porn at least not by my self though I know for a fact and my wife honestly knows as well how good I am!
Btljuce86 Host 3 years ago
You know what fine I am so fed up with Facebook and if this is closer to you then this is where I want to be woman
Btljuce86 Host 3 years ago
I told you I am sactified had have kept myself faithful to mine own wife
Btljuce86 Host 3 years ago
Proof I have not lost my head I am not filthy you are I am not