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I'm so glad you're here already Kimmy. I know this is gonna be so much fun. I know I'm so bored I was like waiting for so long and I made popcorn and I already almost ate it all. You wanted us to have it for the movie. I know. This is the first time we're having this. Here catch it with your mouth. Okay okay. I missed. This is gonna be so fun. You're crazy. I know.

I wonder what movie we should watch tonight. My dad said we had to watch PG-13 though because he knows me and you are like you know like you come over all the time but these girls he doesn't know their parents. He doesn't want them to get mad at him and not be allowed to come over. I'm thinking to myself gee dad if he only knew the things that I do.

Oh well. And the things I catch on my tape. I know don't ever let him find the tape. Sorry I have to pick up all the crumbs. Did you guys not hear the doorbell? Nope. No. Good god. Okay I did. We're having so much fun. Sorry. So we'll do that again because that was funny. I'm so glad you're here already Kimmy. I know.

Chelsea and Sarah should be here any minute. I know I can't wait. This is our first slumber party. I know I'm so bad. I made popcorn so like I was gonna have like popcorn and everything ready and the movie ready for when everybody came over but then I got. You already ate half of it. You want some? Yeah. Oops. Here wait ready? One. Okay. Okay ready? I missed.

