Video Transcription
After receiving the reply on the plea of the accused, on the receipt of the reply on the post-chapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapchap chapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapchap... chapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapchap
Now, then on the hearing of the case, after the hearing on the plea of the accused, on the eve of the hearing, on the eve of the post-chapchapchapchapchapchapchapchap chapchapchapchapchapchapchapchap... chapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapcha
It is very very... veryvery
This seems to be the reason why the householders were not made in the spring.
I'm going to look bigger and bigger.