Video Transcription
After receiving the reply on the plea of the accused, on the receipt of the reply on the post-chapchapchapchapchap chapchapchapchapchap... chapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapchapcha
Prerupt Prerupt... PreruptPrepept Prepept Prep Prepept Prepept Preppel Prep Prep Preppel Prepted Preppel Prepted Preppel Prepped Prepped... PreppedPrep
Prepept Prepept... PrepeptPrep
Preppel Prep Preppel Prep Prep... Preppel Prep Prep Preppel Prep Prep Preppel Prep Preppel Preppel... PreppelPrep
Preppel Preppel Prepag Prepag... PrepagPrepag