
Male, Heterosexual
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Epicurus3 Host 11 years ago
You are most welcome. I am honored you accepted. I confess that I am greedy for more of your charms you choose to share. You are so talented at stirring hot passions.
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hotwifeAW 11 years ago
Thank you for the invitation and the compliments XX
Epicurus3 Host 11 years ago
What a fantastic suggestion! She is amazing. Thank you!
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thanx x comment, Bianca Beauchamp, type it
in google images search bar.
lilith10 11 years ago
You know, I possess a very ambivalent relationship with certain sexual acts, too. In all honestly, I don't like performing oral sex. I don't like the way it feels and I normally don't actually enjoy doing it. However, the THOUGHT of doing it, and the thought of having just done it, makes me very, very aroused. Same thing with doing anything with cum. It is the eroticism of the act, not the act itself, that makes me hot.
Epicurus3 Host 11 years ago
I used to be a professional bullshit artist...now its just a hobby.
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lilith10 11 years ago
*...with words.* Damn.
lilith10 11 years ago
Just reading that made me recall the times I've said just that, and I'm not gonna lie, I felt that little quiver of anticipation just now tingling just in back of my eyes. You have a very good way words, you know that? ; )

I've been thinking about that idea a lot lately, about the sexual thrill that arises from compromising your own values to some extent. I just got done talking with my therapist about it, actually. As it can amount to the (re)violation of myself, I have to undertaken carefully, something I did not do in going to that theater. In the future, however, I look forward to saying "God. I shouldn't be doing this!" and not completely melt down afterwards. That's hard to accomplish, though, as it requires tricking the mind into thinking it is doing something very naughty when, in reality, it wasn't necessarily naughty at all, if that makes any sense.
lilith10 11 years ago
In my experience almost all politics are about identity politics, and most parties find success in exploiting this. Both the left and the right galvanize support by appealing to constituents' fears. The left hijacks the voice of large groups of people who feel disenfranchised; the right provides a voice to the people in who they first instill fear. Either way, they control the minds of the masses and rock that vote! I just am very pessimistic when it comes to the American public's ability to think for themselves.

I was thinking about this just yesterday in light of Iran's election. They had six major contenders. They always have. Granted those contenders must make it past the Guardian Council, it made me think about just how controlled our own elections are. Seriously: do we honestly have the ability to elect a third party? Is that really a reality? I don't think it is. We may not have a Guardian Council to vet who runs for office, but the the power of two party system we do have prevents us from really voting in change. I like how Pat Buccanhan once put termed it: its the Republicratic Party lol.
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lilith10 11 years ago
You're gonna have to give me awhile to dwell upon what you just wrote concerning the will! Very good; very thought-provoking