Hi baby! We are the naughtiest sluts around. Promise! We are the lovers of fuck-recording. Our team consists of no others but the two of us, a girl and a man. We're hopeful that we'll be finding our people soon. We're here to make you pop like an erupting volcano of cum. Eyes rolling, mouth drooling, stars made out of pleasure sparkling around your head. Baby, do you want the magic taste of pleasure in your moaning mouth? All the different types of porn we make, or at least every variation of fuck videos we're able to do, considering we're still only two (rhyming by accident, making my sentences into sexy poems) is filmed, directed, played, enjoyed, etc, by us. We are working on finding other sluts that are naughty enough to film while we do nasty stuff to each other, others who belong in "fuckfilm_sluts", our people, but it's hard.. Cause the usual man/woman may find it disturbing? or embarrassing? Flashing what is supposed to stay hiddn?... I don't know lol, so anyway: Wish us luck in our search for our pornstar-soulmates! So if you're fucked up horny? Curious about our current sex life? Or our future sex life? Sit down, and let us entertain you, Daddy. Lots of love xxx