Started the week by picking up Angel and we roadtripped to LA. We stayed at a friends house and he is Mexican. What does that have to do with anything you might wonder? Well, they never make you go hungry! Also got some excellent Mescal! Ooops, did I finish it?!

Next day we had a shoot. I played a creepy masseuse which fits my character pretty good hahhaaaa….

Needless to say, we had a blast! Then back to the house for more food! He started by making us Slovakian Parene Buchty which translates to steamed sweet dumplings. They are served with melted butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar. SOOO GOOOD!

I mentioned that I used to eat Mole in Mexico. He sent us to go buy chicken and whipped together some Mexican rice, Mole and chicken. Heaven!

Topped it off with homemade salsa and tortilla chips like I already wasn’t stuffed to the brim and looking 4 months pregnant hahahaaa…

Since more people showed up and we finished all the dumplings he made one more batch to take home with us! We didn’t want to leave LOL! Next morning, coffee and a stop for snacks and lottery tickets before heading back home…

I’ve been wanting to stop at this sculpture park in Yermo, everytime going to/from LA. We made it this time. It’s called Liberty Sculpture Park. You can Google and read more about it as there are pretty powerful messages behind the sculptures.

When heading back to the freeway we passed a thrift store. I love thrift stores so we had to stop. It’s called Thrift N’ More and the owner is Ron and his wife. He was supernice and gave us a lot of tips in the surrounding area. I smell a future roadtrip coming up!

On Thursday we hit Body20 again to burn off all of the sugar and food from LA 🙂 I signed up for once a week for a month to try it out…

Angel came over to my place after and Hunter made sure to get some scratches from her. He loves Angel 🙂

Had to take my car in for a maintenance check and oil change. Luckily no major defects and my bank account didn’t have to cry!

Did some more thrifting with Angel and a couple of friends yesterday. I fell in love with these chairs! They were already on hold, but will see if the person gets them today, I really want them, even though I don’t need them. But that’s usually my dilemma, I don’t need anything, but I waaaaant….

Some pics from shoots.. I love the red set!

What else? Started watching ‘Gangs Of London’ and liking it a lot!

Trying to get back to reading. I just started ‘Another Roadside Attraction’ by Tom Robbins. I think it’s described as humorous thriller. It’s weird and really funny. I like reading funny books every now and then 🙂

My last book was ‘Midnight Library’ Matt Haig. It’s highly rated, but wasn’t up my alley at all. I like the idea of multiple universes, but that was pretty much the only interesting thing in the book…

Don’t have too much planned for next week. Got to take a poop sample from Hunter and drop it off at the veterinarian and schedule him to remove a couple of teeth. I feel so bad for him, but also don’t want him having any pain they might cause. He doesn’t have a lot of teeth to begin with…

Guess I’ll just have to take the week as it comes 🙂 How about you?
XXX Puma