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Creepy Masseuse, Thrifting, Liberty Park…

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Started the week by picking up Angel and we roadtripped to LA. We stayed at a friends house and he is Mexican. What does that have to do with anything you might wonder? Well, they never make you go hungry! Also got some excellent Mescal! Ooops, did I finish it?!

Next day we had a shoot. I played a creepy masseuse which fits my character pretty good hahhaaaa….

Needless to say, we had a blast! Then back to the house for more food! He started by making us Slovakian Parene Buchty which translates to steamed sweet dumplings. They are served with melted butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar. SOOO GOOOD!

I mentioned that I used to eat Mole in Mexico. He sent us to go buy chicken and whipped together some Mexican rice, Mole and chicken. Heaven!

Topped it off with homemade salsa and tortilla chips like I already wasn’t stuffed to the brim and looking 4 months pregnant hahahaaa…

Since more people showed up and we finished all the dumplings he made one more batch to take home with us! We didn’t want to leave LOL! Next morning, coffee and a stop for snacks and lottery tickets before heading back home…

I’ve been wanting to stop at this sculpture park in Yermo, everytime going to/from LA. We made it this time. It’s called Liberty Sculpture Park. You can Google and read more about it as there are pretty powerful messages behind the sculptures.

When heading back to the freeway we passed a thrift store. I love thrift stores so we had to stop. It’s called Thrift N’ More and the owner is Ron and his wife. He was supernice and gave us a lot of tips in the surrounding area. I smell a future roadtrip coming up!

On Thursday we hit Body20 again to burn off all of the sugar and food from LA 🙂 I signed up for once a week for a month to try it out…

Angel came over to my place after and Hunter made sure to get some scratches from her. He loves Angel 🙂

Had to take my car in for a maintenance check and oil change. Luckily no major defects and my bank account didn’t have to cry!

Did some more thrifting with Angel and a couple of friends yesterday. I fell in love with these chairs! They were already on hold, but will see if the person gets them today, I really want them, even though I don’t need them. But that’s usually my dilemma, I don’t need anything, but I waaaaant….

Some pics from shoots.. I love the red set!

What else? Started watching ‘Gangs Of London’ and liking it a lot!

Trying to get back to reading. I just started ‘Another Roadside Attraction’ by Tom Robbins. I think it’s described as humorous thriller. It’s weird and really funny. I like reading funny books every now and then 🙂

My last book was ‘Midnight Library’ Matt Haig. It’s highly rated, but wasn’t up my alley at all. I like the idea of multiple universes, but that was pretty much the only interesting thing in the book…

Don’t have too much planned for next week. Got to take a poop sample from Hunter and drop it off at the veterinarian and schedule him to remove a couple of teeth. I feel so bad for him, but also don’t want him having any pain they might cause. He doesn’t have a lot of teeth to begin with…

Guess I’ll just have to take the week as it comes 🙂 How about you?

XXX Puma

Chinatown, Ladies, Hiking…

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It was a busy and fun week! Last Sunday’s pickleball was fun. Great to be playing outdoors in the sun, but it wears you out pretty fast.

Made it home, a shower and a bit of face paint and it was time for the birthday celebration of two fellow Swedes. Annelie is an amazing photographer and Big Swede (he really is big) is in music. There was some other Swedish and creative people, and I love making new acquaintances 🙂

First up was a shoot that my friend helped to shoot…

Next up was some more creativity with Joslyn James… Please note what my top says! I felt that was a necessary statement next to Joslyn’s big booty hahahaaa…

I think Hunter took a sneak peak too LOL…

After that it was a day with Brittany Andrews, Veronica Avluv and Sofie Marie. And what a day it was in all the best ways! A little sneak peak and more coming at the VIP option on www.myslink.app/pumaswede 🙂

While in make up I thought I’d take a nice pic of me and Hunter together, but I think he likes the spotlight to himself and didn’t participate too well 😦

But one thing we do well together is napping/sleeping!

My friend George who lives in Colombia was in town. He suggested Korean BBQ for dinner in Chinatown. I’d never been to Chinatown here and from the little I saw, I know I have another trip coming up. There seems to be a lot of cool stuff and I found these shiny animal ‘containers’ that I think I will have to get a few off 🙂 And the 888 Korean BBQ place was great too!

At the Swedes birthday party I met Rae. She is a scientist and makes all natural skincare and looks flawless herself. For example, her products only last for about 3 months since she doesn’t use preservatives in them. She invited me to her lab and I bought some stuff to try out. Will also get a microneedling pen and some other stuff she recommended. Puma Junior might just be my new name if this stuff works hahhaaaa…

On Friday Angel and I went to try a Body20 workout. First we got to measure our weight, fat, muscle mass etc. Then they strap you in these electro-muscle stimulation suits you wear while doing a 20 min workout session with a personal trainer. We only did 12 min since it was our first try.

It seems pretty good and I am still sore. It’s a pretty convenient form of training. I still need a regular workout to get rid of all my energy, but might try this once a week for a month. Anyone here tried it? Oh, this is me resting up after I got home. My exhaustion must’ve been contagious on Hunter 🙂

Finally got out hiking yesterday. I need nature and it always makes me feel so good after being outdoors! Tried White Rock Mountain Loop in the Red Rocks. It’s an easy 10km loop. Beautiful day!

Hunter has found a new favorite spot at my neighbour’s house. It’s like his throne from where he surveys his domains and keeps an eye out for lizards… Or naps…

Which reminds me that before going to dinner with George, I was sitting working on the couch. The front door was open since Hunter was out. All of a sudden a black cat comes charging in with Hunter chasing him. I flew up from the couch and ran after them upstairs. The black cat runs back downstairs, but since Hunter was chasing it, he ran back upstairs. I went after them and finally managed to hold back a growling Hunter. I think the black cat was too scared to move and he is curled up on the stairs and refused to move. I finally managed to get my hoodie around the black cat and lifted him safely outside. I was so stressed out after, but I think the other cat was OK and Hunter was unharmed too!

OK, that was my week. Me and Angel are heading to LA to shoot next week. My tooth removal procedure has healed up good, so I plan to work and pickleball some. Other than that I don’t have anything else planned yet 🙂

Wishing you a fabulous upcoming week!

Kisses, Puma

Linda, Dentist, Joselyn & More…

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Didn’t have time to put together a post last week, so here are my past two weeks. Pickleball with Linda & Angel was a lot of fun. Me trying my best to explain some rules and we managed pretty well to keep the ball on our court most of the time 🙂

Had a shoot so got a Valentine’s inspired mani/pedi. Red seems to be a favorite color for a lot of people. I asked on IG, so I’m not just making this up 🙂

The shoot was with no other than Joslyn James. I think some of you might be familiar with her hehhee… I never met Joslyn before, but she is super cool & funny. Not to mention HOT!!!!

There is a lot more from this shoot, but trying to keep it PG here. If you’re curious for more, click the VIP option at www.myslink.app/pumaswede 🙂

Took some Valentines pics at home too, so here is a belated Happy Valentines greeting from me & Hunter to you 🙂

On Valentines I took Linda to my favorite pizza place in town, Settebello. She agreed that their pizzas are very good!

I had a live show at night to check if anyone needed a last minute Valentines date 🙂

Didn’t make it out to Boulder City as planned since it rained a lot and was so cold that day. Took Linda with me to the gym instead. Very serious gym sesh!

Luckily the rain didn’t last more than one day, so we checked out the Red Rocks. I love going there…. Pretty crazy that the mountains in the background have snow on them!

Tried this cookie bakery after called Crumbl. Very sugary and good 🙂

One night we hit Fremont Street. It was years ago since I’ve been there. We loved the curved roof that showed all kinds of clips and some of them pretty trippy. The hoarder in me wanted to buy all the weird/touristy crap they were selling there too 🙂

We then walked to the Fremont East district and that was more bars and restaurants. We checked out the Container Park before eating at a Mexican place called La Mona Rosa. It was a pretty good restaurant. Oh, and I definitely want to visit Discopussy one of these nights!

We were pretty fascinated by this restaurant called the Heart Attack Grill right by Fremont Street. They had a large scale outside and if you weighed more than 350 lbs you eat for free. People get a hospital gown before dining and the menu is not exactly Keto lol. How about a Octuple Bypass burger that is like 8 hamburgers in one and you can add 40 bacon strips to it! I’m adding that place to my list to try 🙂

Oh, and just in case you are looking to have a pretend wedding they have that too in Downtown 🙂

On the way back we grabbed some ice cream from Sorry Not Sorry Creamery and it was as good as everyone says it is.

We ran around so much and I didn’t even have time to nap. Tried to catch up during a lunch. Linda found me this awesome Hunter hat which I of course love and we found another Mothership coffee place in Henderson where we filled up on caffeine to be able to run around more!

There was also a drive by and a quick stop at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign.

During this time I also got a bad toothache. Angel had an appointment last week so called the same place and got an emergency appointment. I really, really don’t like going to the dentist! Long story short, a tooth in the back needed a root canal or removing it to put in an implant. Might as well go for the implant because they weren’t sure it was even possible to perform a root canal.

On Friday I went in and removed the tooth and it was horrible! The dentist recommended I get put under in the future during procedures because I’m so scared. I will definitely consider that. I think it would’ve gone better if the dentist would’ve been a bit more nice too, but he seemed a bit annoyed so I got even more nervous hahhaaa… But it’s done. I will go to Mexico when I’m ready for the implant. It’s like 1/3 of the price and I have a great dentist there 🙂

So Linda went back to Sweden and it always feels so empty when someone who’s stayed for a while leaves 😦

Hunter also had to have his few teeth checked and a general check up. Found a cat-only-veterinary place and they were great. Hunter was a great boy during the visit and he has to go back to extract a tooth or two too. Otherwise he was in great shape they said!

He never really hunts anything, but the other day he caught a lizard and seemed very proud of himself!

And he never climbs or jumps up anywhere so guess how surprised I was when I found him walking the wall around he house! And he even popped in on one of the neighbours backyards like that was something he did daily!

Guess lizard catching and exploring takes a toll so naps were necessary. I concur…

OK, enough of Hunter. I did another catfight video with Kayla. So much fun!

Me and Angel had some work to do too 🙂

I found this awesome Snapchat filter I thought was pretty hilarious!

That pretty much covers the last 2 weeks. Today I’m heading out to play pickleball at some outdoor courts with friends. Later a birthday party for a couple of Swede’s 🙂 Next week I got a couple of shoots planned, hope to try a couple of yoga classes since I’m not supposed to work out too hard after removing the tooth.

Have any fun plans?

XXX Puma

Pickleball, Linda, tacos…

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Did what I always do, started last week by strength training. I was in a pissy mood and hitting the gym helped 🙂 Checked if I made some gains on my a$$ after… Nope!

Had a friend come over and shoot some stuff. I guess people like me as a boss/teacher character. I think I could teach you a thing or 2, and I’d be a boss/teacher you could definitely bribe hahahhaha….

I finally got to try Chicken N Pickle. Very cool and even better that me & my pickle partner were winning 🙂 Maybe because I went to the gym in the morning and played an hour of pickleball too 🙂 We also ate there afterwards and the food was OK. Forgot to take more pics, but going back there today to get Angel hooked on pickleball too 🙂

I did pop by Angel and we took her doggos walking. This one is Vixen 🙂

Then it was finally time to pick Linda up from the airport! Catching up and Hunter was there too of course…

Showed Linda the neighborhood and did some shopping. The car ran out of gas before we did. I’m impressed that Linda has no jetlag…

I’ve been wanting to check out the big Antique Mall of America here, and finally we did. Angel and Cathrine came along. Wow, it’s humangeous and you can find all kinds of stuff there which I of course did 🙂

Exhausted after trying to cover the whole place, Cathrine suggested we go to Tacos El Gordo close by. It’s a Mexican place and I got to say the food was pretty authentic. None of us went for trying the eyes, beef brain, head or guts though hahhaaaaa… The guy is showing the eye since I was so curious how that looked… I thought it was just going to be a round eyeball.

Great place and will go back when I crave some tacos el pastor 🙂

Hunter says hi and says he enjoys the warmer weather between his naps…

We did watch some of the Super Bowl, but mostly to see the halftime performance. Thought it was pretty mellow… Did you watch?

Linda is here this week too so we’re exploring Vegas. Heading out to Boulder City and hiking too and Hunter gets to be our Valentine’s date on Friday 🙂 Do you have plans for Valentine’s?

Time for another cup of coffee and then get this day going!

Hugs & Happy Valentines 🙂



Work, Hike, The Companion…

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Started the week by hitting my work quota 🙂

Almost every week I start with the mindset that I’m going to be eating healthy, train and end up with a six-pack by the end of the week. Started great with snacking on carnivore snacks and actually doing a proper workout at the gym.

Went to get my body realigned too…

Then usually by Thursday I get lazier, order food for delivery, snacking late at night and end up just playing pickleball. BUT, the biggest thing I achieved this week is that I quit vaping! Been a week now and I don’t think about vaping every other minute. It was HARD the first 3 days. I always had the vape within reach and would puff from morning until I went to bed. I do have a couple of regular cigarettes here and there now, but I’m happy I’m off the vape!

Had some time off and decided to go to Mothership for some good coffee and to read. I really like Eckhart Tolle’s book ‘Power of Now’. I listen to it as an audio book too, but like to read and highlight good sections. I’m an expert at ‘spacing out’ and this book is all about being present in the moment. Harder than it sounds, but I can really recommend it!

I also just finished another book on the same topic –
‘Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering’ by Joseph Nguyen. It’s about how much time we spend on thinking and the difference between a thought and thinking. So good and it’s a bit of a wake up call that I can really recommend this book too.

It’s been forever since I went to a movie theater. Angel and I went to the one at the New Orleans hotel and saw ‘Companion’. It was pretty good. Next movie I want to see is ‘The Brutalist’. It’s 3h and 35min long so I better stock up on snacks 🙂 Lmk if you’ve seen it and what you think of it!

I never visited the New Orleans Hotel before and they had some pretty cool decorations there. Bet they would be morphing pretty freakishly if you were on shrooms LOL….

Have a friend who decided to pop by Vegas for 24h from San Francisco yesterday and nothing better than hiking after a plane ride. Even though it’s a short one. Tried a new hike with Angel yesterday called Petroglyph Loop close to Henderson. Good trail if your looking for a loop trail that’s not too hard.

Built up a good appetite and hit Settebello pizza again hahhaaaa… And the Nutella pizza in the end sealed the deal!

Needed some caffeine after to top it off so tried a new (for me) coffee spot called Dark Moon Coffee Roasters. Tasted great!

Amazing sunset on the way home!

Tried a new restaurant called Salt & Honey for brunch today, Will definitely go back!

Took a walk later and came across this girl with her mom carrying a rabbit. It looked passed out, but the mom said it was alive. Good to know hahahaaa…

Hunter is pushing the limits to see how spoiled he can get. Offered him one plate first and he just walked away. Put a second option and he at least bothered to taste it until he decided he wanted to see if I was going to offer him a 3rd option. Which I obviously did, since he gets whatever he wants 🙂 He decided the 3rd option was good enough to eat…

That’s about it from my week. This upcoming week is going to be fun. One of my best friends from Sweden, Linda, is coming to visit me for 10 days by the end of the week. She has visited me pretty much everywhere I’ve lived around the world, Bali, Puerto Rico & Mexico. We always have the best time with a few incidents. In Bali we drove off the road on a moped and ended up in a muddy rice field. In Puerto Rico I asked her to sit in a river and shoot a video of me. She almost got swept along the river and down a waterfall LMAO… I will try to find the video cause it’s hilarious!

Also shooting another fight scene with Angel. Trying a pickleball place called ‘Chicken N Pickle’ for the first time. It’s super popular and barely any free times available. They have indoor and outdoor courts and bars & restaurants.

OK, going to grab some snacks now so I can start healthy tomorrow again hahahaaa… How are you doing?

XXX Puma

Mostly AVN…

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Since I knew the end of this week was going to be busy, I hit the gym, boosted myself with caffeine, and got a lot of work done.

A friend invited me and Angel to a steak dinner for Tuesday night. The friend ended up having to cancel, but it didn’t stop me and Angel from going 🙂 The restaurant is called ‘Four Sixes Ranch Steakhouse’ at the Wynn. For those who’ve seen the series ‘Yellowstone’, you probably recognize the name. We had some steak tartare prepared tableside, spicy Margaritas, and then we both went for the burger. Very tasty!

We sent our friend this pic and said she could edit herself in this image and pretend she was there with us getting kisses…

On Wednesday the AVN Expo started. I was signing for my agency ‘101 Modeling’ for a couple of hours each day.

I had someone special even send me flowers out to the expo 🙂

Sandy came over late at night to stay with me & Hunter. Hunter acted like he’s known Sandy forever and even slept next to her the whole night!

Thursday, 2nd day. So much fun to see old friends & fans and meet new ones.

Sandy was doing makeup, so I would go to her room to chill and hang with her before heading home. There are always tons of parties during AVN, but I decided that one party will have to do…

3rd day. Lots of people were there…

During Thanksgiving dinner last year I met this superb photographer who is Swedish, Anneli, and Earl Miller who is a legendary photographer from our industry…

I would pop by Sandy in between and rest up a bit, eat, and do some work 🙂

At night we had a fun group that went to dinner. After we went to the White Party. I used to party like there was no tomorrow. Now I’m at least aware that there is tomorrow and do my best to try remember that when partying. It works so so…

After a couple of coffees on Saturday morning I was feeling pretty good 🙂 I was helping Sandy with girls getting ready for the AVN Award Show later in the afternoon. I skipped the award show and went home. Pretty beat, but it was fun to experience AVN again after so many years absent.

Today has been pretty mellow. Met a friend for lunch that I knew back in San Francisco who also lives here in Vegas now. We made reservations to go play pickleball in a week and a half and maybe a hike this upcoming weekend. I’m too tired to think about what’s happening next week, but I’m sure it will all be good and wishing you the same 🙂

XXX Puma

What a Week….

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Last week flew by! Important to start the week strong though, so began with hitting the gym…

On Tuesday I had some more fat injected into my face. Best part was the laughing gas 🙂 It looks like I have ‘something’ coming out of my mouth in the last 2 pics and had to double check myself. But it was just the markings where she was going to inject LOL…

Jennifer Dark was visiting Vegas, so had some playtime with her and Angel Dark hehehee… It was like the United Nations with all of our different accents…

I also gave them some style tips, since I’m such a fashionista myslef 🙂 Angel gave me this amazing onsie that I pretty much have been living in since then! Extra points that I wear stylish Puma socks!

On Friday it was time to drive back to LA. This time Waze directed me through some back roads I’d never taken before. Had to check a couple of times to make sure I was still headed to the address I put in hahhaaaa… It was pretty cool as it was deserted out there and caught a beautiful sunset…

On Saturday it was time for Xbiz. It has been ages since I was at a show and I had a blast. Best part was that I was signing with Sandy so I already knew I was going to have a great time 🙂 Lot of fans, old friends, and in the end, sore feet 🙂

Sandy and I hit Arden after for a late night dinner… Almost considered hitting a club after until we realized that we were totally beat and should sleep! A few years back I would’ve asked ‘What’s sleep’? Guess i got smarter (read older!)

This week AVN starts on Wednesday. I’m signing for 3 days and Sandy is coming here to do make-up, so I’m obviously excited that I get to see and hang with her again! Here is one of her dogs, Snoopy and Simba the giant cat!

Been exhausted after the LA trip, but there’s always energy for pickleball 🙂


Need to do some more work, but here’s some pics I’ve gotten from shoots I’ve done…

And last, but not least, Hunter! King of the castle!

OK, back to work! Got some fun plans for this week?

Hugs, Puma

LA, Fires, Bowling, Hockey…

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I think you all are aware of the fires that are raging in LA… So horrible and if you are in the area I hope you are OK and safe! I got there last week on Monday and the fires started on Tuesday. I have friends who have been affected, and have a friend, her husband, and baby staying with me now here in Vegas since they had to evacuate. It’s heartbreaking seeing the videos of fleeing wildlife, people standing in front of their burnt down houses, and I don’t think I can even imagine how that feels… So again, I hope you, your family, pets and friends are safe!

While I was in LA we saw a lot of smoke from where I was staying with Sandy and her family. We drove out to set on Tuesday and saw the smoke blowing in from the Palisades…

Where we shot was outside of the fire zone and it was such a blast to work with Sandy again! I can’t even call it work because it was like you are playing and having a blast with one of your best friends 🙂 A bonus is that Sandy is one of the best makeup artists so she made me look better than should be possible hahahaaa…. Only have some BTS pics for now.

At night time we went to a stand up show where a friend performed. There was some great talent, and our friend John Legendary, who also is in the adult industry, was great!

The next day I was shooting some more stuff…

On Thursday I left early to drive back back to Vegas. It smelled like smoke and the sun looked like it was on fire when it was rising…

Had to stop for gas and bought Angel and myself some lottery tickets because you never know… Spoiler, we didn’t win 😦

It’s been busy since I got back. I got a call while driving from one of my banks asking if I tried to make a payment of $8,500 to some weird company and a wire transfer to a person unknown to me. Long story short, my accounts at both banks had been hacked or whatever you call it. After a lot of phone calls and a visit to one bank it’s all sorted now…

Also popped by to draw blood for a health check. I look calmer than I was, because I really don’t like needles… At least Botox needles make you look smooth after being stabbed!

Realized I need to get back to lifting some weights. Usually I just get stuck at the pickleball courts hahahaa…

Still managed to squeeze in a bit of pickleball 🙂

Trying to keep up with my goal to try new recipes and I made this easy and tasty ‘bread wrap’ out of only cottage cheese, eggs and some herbs 🙂

When I cook meat, Hunter always gets his share too on a little plate 🙂 Did I ever mention that he is spoiled?

More shooting…

I love dressing up, but I can’t say I make the effort a lot of times LOL…

Angel came over yesterday. She knows I nap, so I sent her a text that I’m awake now and she can come over…and we went to buy her some hiking shoes. Somehow I managed to buy myself a pair of sneakers too, but to my defense they were 50% off 🙂 Hunter loves Angel. Even her smelly feet it seems 😉

Before I left to Vegas I went bowling with Cathrine and a couple of friends. If you ever doubted, I’m pretty good with balls 🙂 Guess who won 1 time and split first place the next game? Yeah, I’m bragging a little bit 🙂

They had a store there and I’m considering to buy this bowling ball that’s a copy of Bill Murray’s ball from Kingpin!

Oh, and before I left to LA, there was the Juniors Hockey World Championships. The semi finals were between Sweden and Finland. Finland won obviously. Sorry Swede’s 😉 Then the finals were the next day and Finland was facing USA. It looked like Finland had it with a 3-1 lead. But then USA took over and I don’t like to talk about the rest hahahaa… Watched it with Hunter. Not sure whose side he was on…

Hunter is his usual self, no stress or worries and mostly somewhere close….

Some leftover selfies, my size 9,5 foot getting a pedi, my coffee mug at Sandy’s and me too lazy to put my stuff away after coming back from LA…

Keeping in touch with my friends in LA and I hope they will soon have these fires under control! I’m supposed to go back to LA on Friday and attend the Xbiz show on Saturday. Will make sure it’s safe to go first… Plan to hit the gym, get some fat injections tomorrow, a coffee date with a friend and then I’ll just wing the rest 🙂

How are you?

Kisses, Puma

Happy New Year

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This post took longer to write than I expected. It was supposed to be ready on New Years Eve, but I got sidetracked hahhaaa… But here is a little recap of 2024 🙂

Overall it was a great year with travel, moving, and feels like I got a good dose of adventure and experiences…

In January I went to Tepoztlán with some friends. It’s a small town about an hour from Mexico City. I love that place and they believe aliens made a visit there at some point. Never spotted any even though I wanted to 😦

In February I visited La Paz which is the capital of Baja California Sur. A cute town and best part was snorkeling with whale sharks. And my giant Margarita 🙂

Also got to go to the big yearly art show Zonamaco in Mexico City with my Swedish friend Sanna. I love art shows…

Apparently I became a carrothead too. Not a huge success if I look back at it hahhaaaa….

Changed back to blond pretty fast 🙂

In March I found a photography school and started taking lessons. So much fun and it’s rewarding practicing a semi new skill 🙂

Traveled to Japan for a wedding. I met Nick & Annie when living in Puerto Rico. It was one of the fanciest weddings I’ve been to 🙂

Stayed after the wedding in Japan visiting Kyoto and Hakone. Too crowded in Kyoto for my liking, but I can see the charm if you would visit when there are less tourists…

Really enjoyed Hakone. The hot spring spa and nature there…

I also booked a room at a love hotel in Tokyo and did a shoot, had some of the best sushi, a fun night at the Muscle girl bar and visited a pig cafe 🙂

One of the highlights this year was going back to Mycelia Retreat in Jamaica. Invited my writer/journalist friend Cyril from Sweden. It was my most powerful mushroom trip to this day and I went through every kind of emotion, but what a reset! I hope to revisit 2025…

In June I decided 3 years in Mexico was amazing but it’s time to go back to the US. Having a bit of a hoarder mentality it took some time to get rid of almost everything and it was hard to say goodbye to friends… Also spent the last 2 nights sleeping on the floor since I got rid of all the furniture hahahahaa… But I see a visit back in 2025 to visit them all again 🙂

Hunter got prepped with his papers and practiced going outside in his carrier and then his flight carrier. He was such a champ handling the whole trip from Mexico to Utah!

July was spent in Utah. I missed the nature and clean air while in Mexico so took full advantage of Utah…

Utah is where I first encountered pickleball and now I’m hooked!

Flew to Vegas and got my hands full with Tyler Faith. Maybe that’s when the idea of living in Vegas was born?

Also flew to Sweden for my yearly hike with my sister. Longest hike we’ve done so far, 7 days, 6 nights AND we made it up Kebnekaise. Definitely top 3 of 2024!!!

2 of my best friends had their 50th birthdays too which got celebrated!

In August I packed the car and moved to Vegas…

September was spent exploring what Vegas has to offer. Reunited with friends from back in the day, found great hikes, celebrated my birthday and a gym with pickleball! I’m loving it here and Hunter is very happy too as long as the neighbors cat Ocean keeps a paws distance 🙂

Finished off October with Halloween…

In November I had a looooot of shoots with fun people 🙂 Even made it out to LA, Nelson’s Ghost Town twice and got taped for the first time which was really cool…

Tried new hikes. Happy I have friends who enjoy hiking as much as I do 🙂

My sister came to visit and we did Vegas and LA. I love that I’m so close to my extended family and wifey Sandy now that I love in Vegas 🙂

And Masha from Russia paid a short visit too. Met her when I lived in Puerto Rico 🙂

Finally December and there was some christmas prepping to be done as yo can see in the previous posts so I’m not going to bore you with those pics again 🙂 My holidays were great. I got some relaxation in, I guess I’ve been pretty good since I got a lot of presents hehheeee… Hunter got presents too obviously and he is spoiled year around whether he behaves or. not hahhaaaa…

Everyone here recommended the show ‘Absinthe’ and I finally got to see it. Wow, it was so good! Funny, incredible acts and now I’m looking into taking lessons in roller skating because this couple looked so cool doing their act with roller skates. It was so fast paced and that they manages to stay on stage without just impressed the shit out of me! If you get the chance, see the show!

Did a mushroom trip and it was great 🙂

Didn’t have any plans for New Years Eve other than wanting some outdoor access. Went hiking with Angel and it was an easy hike and I always feel so good after being in nature!

Ordered lobster & crab nachos for dinner and watched the movie Small Engine Repair. It was pretty good 🙂

How were your Holidays? Any goals/plans for 2025? I’ still figuring mine out and fine tuning them. But some things I’ve been thinking about and on my bucket list are:

-visit Vietnam and Iceland

-try a new experience every month, like rollerblading, shows in Vegas, rage room, grow shrooms, race car driving, new recipes and the list goes on.

-having eyelid surgery

-yearly hike with my sister

-add more mindfulness into my life like yoga and meditation… So far I’ve done short meditations every day, but it’s haaaaard with my brain being all over the place hahhaaaa…

I’ll probably be adding to the list, but this is some of it 🙂

I hope your year has been off to a fabulous start! I’m off to LA next week for work and see to see my wifey Sandy 🙂

Hugs & kisses, Puma

Happy Holidays :)

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Started my week off with pickleball. So much fun. I think my face is supposed to show excitement, but looks more like I got hit in the head with the raquet/paddle hahahaa….

I like to get my most urgent work done in the morning. And Hunter wants to get his morning cuddles in then too, and guess who wins?

Had friends in town and hauled them out to Red Rock to see the sunset… I’m pure fashion when I walk out of my house as you can tell!

Also tried Thai dinner at Lotus of Siam at Red Rock. Will definitely go back!

And they treated me to Peter Luger at Caesars. Wow, wow, wow… The crab cake and steak were superb.

Then it was time to cook for the Swedish/Finnish Xmas party. Too many balls to handle myself, so I brought in Angel to help me handle them. The recipe was in Swedish measurements so it took both our brains to convert and calculate measurements hahhahaaa… But let me brag a little, they were amazeballs!!!!

Got work done before partying, I tried to dress up Hunter and I didn’t feel the cooperation from him. He was supposed to wear a scarf too, but his neck is too chunky!

This one will have to do. So Happy Holiday season to you all from me and Hunter!

I made some more Xmas content on my own…

And this is now my official Xmas card so one more time, Happy Holidays!

The Xmas get together was so much fun. Nobody tasted the ‘sill’, herring. I never tasted that in my life, so I don’t blame them. And you know you have a good time when you only find a couple of pics in your phone the next day. Some of the food and Amanda in her awesome cat sweater cuddling up to Hunter 🙂 I feel very fortunate to have such great fiends!

Catherine, my Swedish friend here, and her boyfriend, brought these incredible truffles and before passing out, I downed almost the whole box! Oh, since they love cats, they also brought Hunter treats 🙂

Amanda & Gorge brought coffee which I enjoyed with a candle from Angel. Angel’s Xmas gift had a lot of beauty products too, so I’m wondering if she’s trying to tell me something hahahaa…

Saturday was mostly spent recovering 🙂

Yesterday I headed out past the Valley of Fire with Kayla, Huggy the photographer and Marshall, the rope guy. We shot bondage stuff in the middle of nowhere in this abandoned factory place. Such a fun day and I’ll show you more pics when I get them. It was the first time I got tied up and suspended up in the air! Very cool and will definitely get more bondage stuff done with Marshall 🙂

Kayla gave me a Xmas gift and it cracks me up! I love when people get my humor!

It was a freezing day being buttnaked in the desert so what’s better than pizza at Settebello’s after!

Hunter and our neighbor’s cat Ocean have been making progress on a friendship. They actually were under the same car after eyeballing each other across the street for some time…

Hunter trying to make me understand he needs more food. Keeping an eye on me while he hides in the bushes and I work on the couch and I guess all that results in one of his naps 🙂

What are you up to during these Holidays? I plan to chill, see friends, eat and watch movies and then repeat all that 🙂 I hope you will have a great time whatever you are up to 🙂 I will also do a mushroom trip before New Years to reset myself for 2025 🙂

Merry Christmas to you all and thank you for being here 🙂

Hugs, Puma & Hunter