Warning! 18+ explicit content ahead!

This site contains extreme, unusual and hard bondage and fetish material. If your local laws, ethical, religious beliefs forbid this kind of content, please leave. Parents, use the Parental Control Bar to control what your kids see online. By entering cruel-furies.com you declare and affirm that the following statements are true:

- I am at least 18 years of age.

- I will not allow any minors to access this site or any material found herein. Any material I download from this site is for my own personal use, I will not show it to a minor.

- Sexually explicit material depicting bondage, sadism, masochism and other fetish activities is allowed by the local law governing my region and is not obscene or offensive in any way.

- I will not redistribute and share any material from this site on filesharing sites, forums, blogs and any other illegal way.